Thursday 16 April 2020

Oosterbeek Wargame 20mm Rapid Fire Fast Play Rules

Well, after. Mitten and the ronsons brewing up, I’m going back to RF basics - a tough refight of the siege of Oosterbeek from the Rapid Fire Market Garden Campaign Guide

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Oosterbeek Wargame 20mm Rapid Fire Rules

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Image may contain: possible text that says 'RAPID FIRE! campaign Guide by Colin Rumford aITTL Operation Market Garden September 1944 for use with RAPID FIRE! Fast play rules for World War II'

the paras deploy for the siege of Oosterbeek, as I don’t have 59 X 4 paras I’ve reorganised the game, Oosterbeek will be defended by a para brigade, three  battalions plus the air landed howitzers and Freddie Goughs recce squadron. All thoroughly unhistoric but I’m going with what I’ve got. Next up, the Germans deploy!

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Hartenstein Hotel Grounds

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two first probing forces from the East and West are heading in to Oosterbeek to test the resistance points. From the west the Herman Goring training rest (ok it’s elements of my Luftwaffe field battalion, nearest I had!) head for Hartenstein Hotel through the woods, and in the west the Assault Gun Brigade 280 probe with their two Stugs. Just about to use the special rule again to see which other German elements are willing to move!

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Did someone say Tigers?

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 the on table and off table HE is unhelpful to paras, reducing every building The end is nigh! Too many turns left!

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The final stages of the game led to nightfll, still with too much time left to play =- some paras escaped to the chuirch and then the river beyond off table. Tough battle - poor dice throwing continued for the paras, and the German off table and on table HE was powerful. Great game though!

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