Tuesday 19 May 2020

Pegasus Bridge Wargame - Part 2 Howard and Lovatt Meet At The Bridge!

The game progressed with a few minor set backs for the Ox and bucks and Paras in defence. Most notably the frontline at the outskirts of Benouville, near the Chateau, had to retreat somewhat under increasing pressure from freshly arriving German troops. Also the arrival of leading elements of 21st Panzer Division began to apply pressure at Le port, where the Paras also had to fall away from the church somewhat. however. the Commandos arriced bang on time from the Sword Beach landings, quickly reinforcing Le port and Benouville and the Bridge, and with more reinforcemnts and armour arriving from the beach, th Germans were bound to withdraw from the bridge area. Held until relieved! Images below!

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