Thursday 4 June 2020

Ranville Wargames 20mm from Normandy Battlegames Rapid Fire Rules

Another lockdown game, this time the excellent Ranville scenario from the Rapid Fire Fast Play World War Two Rules. This scenario is explained in the Normandy Battlegames book and covers the efforts of British airborne troops to defend Ranville, and hence the approach to the Orne river bridge, and Pegasus Bridge from 21sr Panzer Division,

It makes for quite a visual spectacle, a little unusual as 21st Panzer Division were mainly equipped with stolen French vehicles and armour, obtained after the 1940 fall of France!

The set up of the game looks very impressive.

Then it’s time to get the deployment of the Paras organised. For this scenario they occupy three of the relatively schematic villages.

Then the Germans start to appear, and it begins to look scary! The paras are going to need those RoyalNavy observers up in the church tower to bring down naval gunfire support from the channel, where a ship lies just off the D-Day beaches ready to fire! 

This proved to be a tough encounter, and the arrival of the naval support fire proved to be critical for the lightly armed Paras! Great game!


  1. Great stuff Ken, thanks for putting it all together!


  2. Thanks Matt - I think that wargaming is helping us all in these strange times. All the best

  3. Great camera work. Nice clear pics.

  4. nice work - well laid out scenario - great photos! Consider a video - this seems a great scenario.
