Thursday 25 June 2020

Villers-Bocage Rapid Fire Wargame in 20mm

I’ve been wanting for some time to wargame the events in the afternoon at Villers Bocage, which I’ve always felt would need a more detailed street plan than the fab Normandy Battlegames scenario offers, so gets ny first shot at it, I’d welcome your thoughts. I want to be able to game Wittmans moving around, and then the a Brit ambush of his tanks. I’d welcome your insights on this set up!

The plan unfolded as per the Rapid Fire scenario form their Normandy Battlegames Guide. The British armour entered on a pre determined route which they could not veer from until fired upon...Villers Bocage... next stage. Well what a surprise. The Tiger killed the Firefly, rather easily as it turned out. The lead Pz IV picked, unfairly, on a half track, and the second Pz IV killed the Sherman OP. This is going badly.

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